Become a COHT Partner

Annually, the COHT will conduct a call out for Anchor and Affiliate members. Definitions below:

Anchor Partner: refers to a signatory on the COHT collaboration contract and terms of reference outlining a level of contribution and engagement to support the goals, vision and objectives of the COHT. Participation in various working groups, meetings and the joint executive team.

Affiliate Partner: supportive partners that contribute to and or inform the COHT collaboration table or specific working groups; working towards shared goals. No contractual obligation.

Agencies / Organizations wishing to be considered as an Anchor or Affiliate partner are to email us!

JET will review responses for alignment with goals, shared purpose and guidelines provided by the MOH and provide written response back. Thanks to all who continue to collaborate and contribute to the Couchiching Ontario Health Team in any capacity, as we grow in maturity.